Sporometrics operates as a fully-compliant Biosafety level 2 Laboratory. We are fully accredited by the AIHA LAP, LLC (Lab No. 171117) for fungal, bacterial and Legionella analyses according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, and participate in AIHA PAT LLC’s Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Proficiency Analytical Testing (EMPAT) Program. We are also certified by the US-CDC ELITE program in Legionella analysis, and holds a Drug Establishment License (DEL) by Health Canada in accordance with the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations (Division 1).
Dr. Scott, the Founder and Scientific Director of Sporometrics serves on the AIHA PAT LLC Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Accreditation Program (EMPAT) Board, and has provided lead scientific direction for the EMPAT program for over a decade. All analysts at Sporometrics are certified by the Pan American Aerobiology Certification Board, a process that requires them to demonstrate highly specialized skills and knowledge by passing a series of rigorous examinations. The senior Sporometrics scientists, Dr. Scott and Dr. Summerbell, are registered microbiologists by the Canadian College of Microbiologists (CCM).